Posted in Personal, The Comfort Zone Challenge

Day #15 of Getting Out Of My Comfort Zone: 

Challenge: Celebrate the small victories.
Last year was the hardest year of my life.  

– I got a severe concussion and had to get seven staples in my head

– I got meningitis and couldn’t leave my bed for nearly two weeks

– I lost my grandma who I’m closest to

– I stopped taking my sleeping, anxiety, AND ADHD medications and went through the associated withdraws 

– I moved cities THREE times trying to get settled in my career

– I switched campaigns twice 

– I had my trust betrayed too many times to count 

– I lost myself for a while.  
I’ve never been good at celebrating small victories. So here’s my attempt at celebrating a few of the MANY things that have gone right:

1. I MADE IT TO CALIFORNIA. I thought this would take me years of planning and saving but NOPE, I made it!

2. I got to speak on stage at a conference! It was a small speech, but it was something I’ve always wanted the opportunity to do.

3. My relationship is the healthiest it’s ever been. Nelson and I have come SO FAR from where we were two years ago and, while we’re still learning about each other everyday, I’m so glad we’ve stuck together through the hard times.

4. I got not one puppy, but TWO.

5. I got a baller office that I designed myself 

6. I still believe people are good. Despite how many times I’ve gotten hurt or screwed over or betrayed, I’m not scared to trust people. I’m grateful for this mindset. 


Serial Entrepreneur and Everyday Visionary. You'll always catch me betting on the underdog.

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